Archiv des Autors: martermmmarcus

Goodbye Mexico

Time to say goodbye, to say thank you and to realize: I had an incredible and fantastic time in Mexico! Let me finally show you, what happened in my last days abroad: Mein letzter und zugleich mit Abstand schwierigster Post … Weiterlesen

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Baja California

My last weekend trip in Mexico took me to La Paz and Cabo San Lucas in Baja California. Once again having a great time outside Mexico City, enjoying sun, beach & life and being fascinated by the beauty of Mexico’s … Weiterlesen

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Life in Mexico City Part III

You can imagine that there were a lot of new things for me to learn, understand and discover in the last 5 months here in Mexico. And it is not possible to tell you about all my experiences, discoveries, impressions … Weiterlesen

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Sightseeing in D.F. – Part II

Tequila, Tacos, millions of people, a high crime rate and too much traffic … is that all about Mexico City? Or has Mexico City to offer something else? Yes, for sure! You need examples? What about the biggest football stadium … Weiterlesen

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Surfing & fishing in Puerto Escondido

Surfing, swimming, sun and relaxing – that was our approach for Puerto Escondido and the start in my last month here in Mexico! And, our expectations were fulfilled. I took my first surfing lessons (thanks to Sam, one of my … Weiterlesen

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Travel & Work: Irapuato, Queretaro & Peña de Bernal

One week + 3 cities = Travel & Work Business before pleasure: Therefore I drove with my manager to Irapuato, the strawberry city, to work from Monday to Friday at the client’s office. One week process audit, Hotel, food for … Weiterlesen

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Paragliding in Valle de Bravo

Valle de Bravo is another “Pueblo Magico” (see also Cuernavaca) and is situated at a lake. Because of the lake and the surrounding mountains there are plenty of opportunities for practicing sports: Paragliding, mountain biking, hiking, water ski, sailing and … Weiterlesen

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Cholula, Puebla & Cuernavaca

With this post we are discovering the south of Mexico City. Only one to two hours away are the “Pueblo Magico” Cholula, Puebla which is famous for their car manufacturing (e.g. Volkswagen owns a plant here) and Cuernavaca. Perfect destinations … Weiterlesen

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Adventure Tour to the „Grutas de Tolantongo“

This tour was absolutely awesome! No sightseeing, no city trip and no beach holiday, just nature, real nature! The spot of Grutas de Tolantongo is located in the valley of a canyon of the river Tolantongo. The main attractions at … Weiterlesen

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Día de la Independencia

Día de la independencia – the Mexican Independence Day: Mexicans celebrate each year at the 15th and 16th September the independence of their country, which they obtained after the war of independence from 1810 until 1821 against the Spanish colonial … Weiterlesen

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